Project cars 2 pc oval racing
Project cars 2 pc oval racing

project cars 2 pc oval racing project cars 2 pc oval racing

And, to its credit, the handling model (while no doubt a disappointment for PC1 and PC2 fans) continues to be better than what both Forza and Gran Turismo can offer. To judge a game purely against its predecessors, however, is a little short-sighted – especially when PC3 dares to bring the sim racer into such new territory. The graphics appear to have taken a hit, too – not helped by a highly saturated colour pallet and a number of glitches that have been carried over from PC2. You can of course turn most of the features off, yet you’re then left with a similar experience to PC2, except with what feels like a watered-down physics model. Add this to the motion blur and jarring in-game music, and PC3 screams arcade racer out of the box. Something also has to be said for the sheer amount of on-screen graphics, readouts and displays that the game defaults to during driving. Mechanical damage, a number of car tuning options and qualifying (at least in single player) have also been jettisoned. Sure, a wet track can still dry out as the race progresses, but the tyres on your car will stay the same, morphing to whatever the conditions warrant. The excellent LiveTrack weather system remains, yet much of its appeal has been spoiled by the removal of pit stops, tyre wear and even different compounds. What should be roaring engines feel muted at best (and downright odd at worst), while other sound effects such as tyre squeal and impacts with other cars are cartoon-like. Cars are more forgiving and less individual in how they drive, with less nuance to fundamentals such as weight transfer and steering feel. Yet, somehow Project Cars 3 still feels noticeably different from its predecessors. Happily, SMS Studios insist that the underlying physics engine has been maintained.

Project cars 2 pc oval racing